Carmen Yiu | Secretary

Our family joined the GECC community in late 2017 after being on the waiting list for several years. Our older daughter graduated from GECC last year and is now at school. Belinda, our younger daughter, currently attends the early learners room for three days a week.

She is loving the program provided at GECC and all the educators she spends time with across the week. We are so glad that she’ll be enjoying what GECC has to offer for a few more years.

We met many friendly families in the first few years of our children attending GECC at pick-ups, drop-offs and the many family-based social events hosted by the dedicated staff.

This influenced my decision to join the committee in 2019. I joined the committee so that I could contribute to the Centre’s future directions and policies, as well as learning about where my children spend their time while I’m at work.

I currently work in the Community Services Quality and Safety Office at the Department of Health and Human Services. Over the years, I have worked in a range of project and manager roles in health policy and policy development. I was previously a physiotherapist prior to joining the public service.

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