Young Learners Rooms

GreythornECC has two Younger Learners Rooms – YL#1 for children aged around 6 weeks?? to 18 months with 8 children and two educators; and YL#2 for children around 18 months through to 2 and a half years old with 12 children and 3 educators.

Individual routines are followed in the room. Generally permanent cots are allocated for familiarity and to promote a positive sleeping environment. The cots are separated from the general play area to avoid interference from other children, yet are still able to be supervised at all times.

Individual communication books are used for all new families for the first 6 months of care and for all children up to the age of one year.

These books give families and educators the opportunity to talk about the children days/ weekend at home and if there are any particular things that might be important for educators to know – this could be that a child has had a bad night sleep and would require an extra or longer sleep during the day.

Educators also have the opportunity to communicate about the child’s day, as they may not have the opportunity to see each other in the afternoons.