We are excited to present GreythornECC’s upcoming Parent Information Evening!
An event designed to provide Greythorn parents with uninterrupted time to speak with your child's educators, see their classroom, and learn more about our programs.
This evening will be a fantastic and fun opportunity for you to:
Explore the classroom set up with intention, showcasing what your child has been experiencing (which you might miss during drop-off or pick-up times).
Enjoy a small presentation highlighting the activities and achievements of your children from the last 6 months.
Receive a special piece of work from your child as a take-away.
Walk through the classrooms to see our program firsthand, with all its carefully thought-out intentions.
Enjoy small samples of the meals we serve the children, catered by our kitchen.
Details of the event:
Date: Tuesday 30th July
Time: 7:15 - 8:15pm
Location: Greythorn Early Childhood Centre
Special note: this is an adult only event
We received such positive feedback from our AGM last year where each room presented their achievements for the year that we wanted to offer a mid-year event where you can fully experience the classrooms and the wonderful work being done here as well as having quality opportunities to chat with the educators!
Please RSVP your attendance by scanning the QR code on the flyer around the centre.
We hope you can join us for this special evening.