Michelle Bartlett | Director
I’m the director at GreythornECC and have been since December 1996. This was my first position as a Director after many years working in the children’s rooms at several Community Managed Children’s Services around Melbourne. I grew up in Albury NSW and moved to Melbourne when I was 18.
I have two children aged 27 and 30 (!) and two adult step-children aged 26 and 29, all who play a huge role in my husbands and my lives – even though we are now enjoying the ‘empty nest’ at home (It’s so much cheaper travelling without children!)
I love working here and consider Greythorn to be mine. The educators here are my extended family. I’m quite sure I’ll be here until I retire.
In my spare time I love sewing and cooking (and online shopping). Christmas is my favourite time of the year and having my family around me is what makes me happiest. I love a good trashy TV program and spending Sunday afternoons lost in Netflix or reading a good book.
Leanne and I have worked together for a very long time, and we complement each other perfectly. I’m an idea’s person, and come up with a million ways to improve and do new things but Leanne is a doer and makes those things happen and drives me to as well!